ActNAS: Generating Efficient YOLO Models using Activation NAS
Token Pruning using a Lightweight Background Aware Vision Transformer
This paper describes our novel approach of using mixed activation functions to optimize YOLO and other CNN models as opposed to current methods of using a single activation function throughout the model. This approach has demonstrated a reduction in latency by 30-70%, with minimal impact to accuracy, and up to 65% reduction in memory usage on target edge processors.
You can check out our ActNAS blog 👉 HERE
A shout out to the authors of the ActNAS paper: Sudhakar Sah (Sud), Ravish Kumar, Darshan C G and Ehsan Saboori (PhD, Eng)
In our second paper we introduce BAViT, a Background Aware Vision Transformer. BAViT is designed to identify and prune background tokens which reduces the number of tokens processed by a vision transformer. With BAViT's lightweight design, it is suitable for edge AI applications and has demonstrated the ability to boost throughput of ViT object detection models up to 40%!
You can find our BAViT blog here 👉 HERE
A shout out to the authors of the BAViT paper: Sudhakar Sah (Sud), Ravish Kumar, Honnesh Rohmetra and Ehsan Saboori (PhD, Eng).
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